Educational Assessments

Psychological Assessments for Children, Teens and Adults:

Psychological assessment and testing is a service that identifies mental health disorders through a combination of interviews, self-report measures and psychological batteries. The results also help provide strategies and recommendations aligned to the mental health disorders.

Psycho-educational Assessments for Children and Teens:

Psychological assessment contributes important information to the understanding of individual characteristics and capabilities, through the collection, integration, and interpretation of information about an individual (Groth-Marnat, 2009; Weiner, 2003). Such information is obtained through a variety of methods and measures. Sources of information may include

  • Standardized assessments in the areas of cognition, processing and academics
  • Records (e.g., medical, educational, occupational, legal) obtained from the referral source;
  • Records obtained from other organizations and agencies that have been identified as potentially relevant;
  • Interviews conducted with the person being examined;
  • Behavioral observations;
  • Interviews with corroborative sources such as family members, friends, teachers, and others;

3820 Del Amo Blvd Suite 208
Torrance, CA 90503
(310) 944-2534

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